Fit To Be Dead by Nancy G. West

Fit To Be Dead by Nancy G. West
Genre: Mystery, Humor
Source: NetGalley
Rating: 4/5

Aggie, a thirty something columnist has decided to stay fit. It's not a bad decision if you want to have a long and healthy life... The only problem is that the first day of her new healthy life she saves a woman from being electrocuted in the pool, was it just an accident or an attempt to murder?
She will try to solve this mystery with her girlfriend Meredith but keep it hidden from her detective friend Sam.

"An electrical surge could have changed Fit and Firm to Fit but Dead. Not good advertising for a health club."

""You really loved him, didn't you?" "Yes. And you know what? Love never stops.""

This book will make you laugh about some of the strange things that happens in a gym. Because, you go to a gym to stay fit. However, should the employee be pretty and flirt with all the members? Or in the restaurant within the gym, should it be a must that all the food is vegetarian? Or all the uniforms had to be so ugly?
The Dear Aggie column is hilarious, the questions are quite strange, but Aggie always solve them with the perfect answer!
I enjoyed reading this book, with all the funny and dangerous situations Aggie has to face. The only problem I found is that it was like I missed some information of the characters, like there is more history about them that I didn't know. I hope I will know more of them in the next book "Dang Near Dead".

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